Monday, May 10, 2010

S.A.M.S learner

My strenghths:
Explorer- i try new things/positions in saturday sport.
Communicater- i give ideasto everyone when they are stuck.
Contributer- (kinda what i said for the communicater).
Self manager- i am independent.
Thinker- i think creatively.

My weaknesses:
Self manager- i get ready for learing.
Explorer- i need to take risks.
Communicater-i have to speak up.
Contributer- i may need to particapate more.
Thinker- i need to think more logial.


  1. Emma, i think this is really good thinking, but maybe you could of added a bit more detail to your answers. But otherwise good job. :)

  2. You wrote that you feel you may need to participate more. In what area? I know that you are quite involved in sports and you are doing a great job as one of our class librarians. Would you be interested in maybe trying out for a leadership role next year?

  3. I would like to have one of the leadership roles thank you.
