Sunday, May 30, 2010

this week i have learnt a lot of things but one thing that i will mention is the brain storm to make our stories better

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ECs rock preassessment

This is my preassessment for my good old pal "Top-Secret" (the rock)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SAMS learner t-shirt

This is my Sams learner t shirt and it displays people on the top corners this shows the Sams learners (us at our school), the world shows the explorer to show different parts of the world, the eye shows the explorer also, those trees on the side is the school houses Rata: green Kowhai: yellow Matai: Blue and Totara: Red. The person means contributer because he is saying this is me! The five sams learner are contrbuter, explorer, thinker, commnicator and self-manager

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chinese Video

We have been learning how to speak Chinese, listen to we say to say our names, to say our phone numbers and goodbye.
I think I did speak fluently I could be better at my pronouncination.

Monday, May 10, 2010

S.A.M.S learner

My strenghths:
Explorer- i try new things/positions in saturday sport.
Communicater- i give ideasto everyone when they are stuck.
Contributer- (kinda what i said for the communicater).
Self manager- i am independent.
Thinker- i think creatively.

My weaknesses:
Self manager- i get ready for learing.
Explorer- i need to take risks.
Communicater-i have to speak up.
Contributer- i may need to particapate more.
Thinker- i need to think more logial.