Thursday, September 16, 2010

Emma Was Destroyed

"Emma!!" yelled my mum. Fright filled her voice. I tried to respond but fright had taken over my body too. All I managed to get out was a tiny squeak. Although that had been enough for my mum to hear me. She pulled me to my feet. It was hard to stay stable let alone stay on my two feet.
I saw my two cats sitting, Scared. I swept them up with one arm whilst my mum was tugging on the other arm. We had been able to get out of the house safely enough but now things were worse, you could feel to Earthquake more naturally but atleast you wouldn't have the same chance of something falling on your head. I felt my cats struggle under my blanket. I let their head bop out of the gap I had left them in the first place.
My lawn filled with cracks and a few people. Brad looked confused with what was happening although he knew perfectly what was going on. I fell to the ground my face filled with sobs. I looked at our house completly destroyed.

Thursday, September 2, 2010